20 Jan Acupuncture Effectively Treats Auto Accident Injuries
Acupuncture is a non-invasive therapy that treats injuries as well as the mind and spirit. The advantage of acupuncture over other treatments is that injuries cannot endure movement or manipulation. Acupuncture is passive therapy and doesn’t involve any physical movement. Acupuncture needles stimulate the body’s natural immune response in or around the injured areas. When tissues are traumatized, swollen and bruised they don’t receive enough blood for the immune system to get in and quickly repair. Prescriptions for pain and muscle relaxers temporarily mask pain while the injuries try to heal. Prescriptions don’t fix the injuries. Secondly, some tissues (tendons, ligaments and nerves) are not programmed to regenerate quickly. They have very little blood supply. Age also limits healing. Acupuncture accelerates healing. Auto injuries often leave the injured party angry and frustrated. Pain and lack of mobility creates insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Income loss, dealing with insurance companies and lawyers only compound physical and emotional pain. In Washington, auto insurance covers acupuncture treatments without any referrals or waiting.
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